HCM-Lab, lead by Elisabeth André. André and her colleagues work on Human Centered Multimedia, social signal analysis, social robotics and social virtual characters in the field of HCI.
Matthias Rehm, Professor MSO at Aalborg University. In his research he focuses on Social Robotics and Culture-Aware Technology. With a high user orientation, he and his group create affective applications, e.g., in health care.
Catherine Pelachaud,director of CNRS,ISIR and UMPC. She is interested in topics such as behavior modellin and Embodied Conversational Agents.
Limsi, with Jean-Claude Martin and Nicolas Sabouret, both in the group Cognition, Perception et Usage (CPU) where they do pluridisciplinary research to address research questions about the design or evaluation of Human-Computer Interaction.
Magalie Ochs, researcher at LSIS. Her work concentrates on automated analysis of socio-affective aspects of human-computer interaction.
ibug, lead by Maja Pantic. Their focus is on machine analysis of visual and auditory human behavior and biometrics.
EPIC, lead by Roddy Cowie. This research group is interested in the topics emotion recognition, speech, ethics and cognitive neuroscience.
Research Group lead by Dirk Heylen, University Twente. They concentrate on Socially Intelligent Computing and conversational behavior of humans and virtual agents.
MIT Media Lab, lead by Rosalind W. Picard. Research in this group aims to use emotion models to improve computational technologies.
CESAR Lab, Northeastern University, lead byStacy Marsella. They focus on researching and applying human behavior models with a particular interest in health applications.
Emotions and Cognition Lab, University of Southern California, lead by Jonathan Gratch. It researches models of socio-emotional behavior and embeds them in human-like virtual characters that utilize verbal as well as nonverbal communication.