23.04.19: The grading will be done by the end of this month.
01.03.19: The final report should be a written report. The structure should be like the following: Overview about the whole project (Introduction and Motivation, Theoretical Background), your contribution (what did you implement, requirements, challenges, solution approach), Summary, References (Seminar Report – Template).
30.01.19: Also we see the snow outside. Don’t worry when being late because of delayed busses.
17.01.19: Final Reports are due to the end of the semester. Website reports of the groups are due to 6th of February. This will be helpful for the final presentation. At the moment we are discussing how the final presentation will look like. As soon as we know, we will inform you here.
20.12.18: Intermediate Presentation will be on 9th of January in Room Turing (NB, +2.30)! Happy Holidays!
4.11.18: Ideenwettbewerb “Souverän in die digitale Zukunft” Please register your groups until end of December!
19.11.18: Due to organizational reasons, the INDIVIDUAL GROUP MEETING schedule is changed for all upcoming meetings. The Social Profession Trainer Group will have the time slot from 11:00 – 11:30, the Social Anxiety Trainer Group from 11:30 – 12:00.
5.11.18: The registration problem is fixed. Computer science students should be able register for the seminar in HISPOS now.
24.10.18: For all the presentations, please hand in your slides (per Mail to Tanja and Markus) on Monday before your presentation. You will receive feedback from us on Tuesday that you should consider for your presentation on Wednesday. Each group will have in total (and not more than) 25 min (15 min presentation, 10 min discussion). The plenary meetings will be from 10:00 (sharp) until 12:00 (sharp).
17.10.18: The seminar has officially started. Check the kick-off slides for detailed project information, general reading, and software. There are four project groups: Emotional Assistant, Meeting Trainer, Social Profession Trainer, and Social Anxiety Trainer.
Please send an e-mail to Tanja Schneeberger to confirm your participation in the seminar until end of Fri, 19th. If we don’t get an email by then, we assume you changed your mind about participating in the seminar. As soon as all members of your group have sent the mail, we will provide you with the contacts of your group members.
Individual group meetings are meetings of the whole project team with Tanja, Markus and Patrick. The group itself has to organize ways of communication, co-working and group sessions additionally. It will be not enough that the whole project team meets while individual group meetings with us. In the individual group meetings we will discuss your ideas, your plans for the presentations, recap presentations and localize problem solutions. For your own organized project team meetings, you are invited to use the seminar room 1.21 in E1 1.
Computers, mobile phones, and wearables are part of our daily lives. Its user interfaces are designed to interact with facts, e.g. health parameters, documents, etc. – which is sufficient for some applications. But what if a computer system would understand users like human do and adapt to the individual social situation in order to establish a social human-like interaction? Such concepts are highly relevant to social training systems, e.g. virtual job interview training and work-life-balance systems. This interdisciplinary seminar in Psychology and Artificial Intelligence investigates the question „How to make computers social?“. What is social? What concepts, theories help to define being social? How do humans socially communicate? How can this be transferred into a computer model? What is technically feasible? How can this be exploited for social training systems? Relevant concepts and theories will be presented, discussed, and transferred into computer models. Three prototypical interactive social computer applications will be created as proof of concept. Students of Psychology and Computer Science will work together designing, discussing, implementing, and creating an evaluation plan for each application.
In the seminar mixed student teams (computer science and psychology) will work on projects to design, implement and evaluate an affective application. There should be a lively exchange between the two disciplines to in order to create a well thought-out system.
(caution, this is still tentative)
17.10.18 | 10:15-11:45 | Kick-Off | E1 3, Hs001 |
24.10.18 | Individual Group Meeting | E1 1, room 1.23 | |
31.10.18 | 10:00-12:00 | 1. Presentation: Ideas (Theoretical background, Project idea, Project planning) | DFKI Main building (D3 2) Room Reuse, -2.17 |
07.11.18 | Individual Group Meeting (Current status of the implementation, Study planning) | E1 1, room 1.23 | |
05.12.18 | Individual Group Meeting | E1 1, room 1.23 | |
09.01.19 | 10:00-12:00 | 2. Presentation: Progress and Discussion | DFKI New building Room Turing, +2.30 |
16.01.19 | Individual Group Meeting | E1 1, room 1.23 | |
30.01.19 | Individual Group Meeting | E1 1, room 1.23 | |
06.02.19 | 10:00-12:00 | 3. Presentation: Final Application (Theoretical background, Implementation, Study, Take home message) | DFKI Main building (D3 2) Room Reuse, -2.17 |
Organisational information
Students of psychology obtain 4 ECTS for attending the seminar.
Students of computer science obtain 7 ECTS for attending the seminar. As usual for computer science, they will be graded. The grading includes: presentation, participation in discussions, implementation and the written report.
Individual group meetings
Individual group meetings are meetings of the whole project team with Tanja, Markus and Patrick. In the individual group meetings we will discuss your ideas, your plans for the presentations, recap presentations and localize problem solutions. They will take place in E1 1, room 1.23. Each group has a time slot of 30 min for this, so prepare them well.
Emotional Assistant 10:00 – 10:30
Meeting Trainer 10:30 – 11:00
Social Profession Trainer 11:00 – 11:30
Social Anxiety Trainer 11:30 – 12:00
How to give a great research talk (Youtube, Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Gebhard, P. (2005). ALMA a layered model of affect In Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems (pp. 29-36). ACM.
Gebhard, P., Schneeberger, T., André, E., Baur, T., Damian, I., Mehlmann, G., König C. & Langer, M. (2018). Serious Games for Training Social Skills in Job Interviews IEEE Transactions on Games.
Gebhard, P., Schneeberger, T., Baur, T., & André, E. (2018, July). MARSSI Model of Appraisal, Regulation, and Social Signal Interpretation. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (pp. 497-506). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
VisualSceneMaker, an authoring tool for Virtual Characters.
ALMA, a computational model of affect that implements the appraisal theory of emotions from the psychologists Ortona, Clore, and Collins.
OpenSSI, a framework for analysing social signals in realtime.
Dr. Patrick Gebhard (Computer Science, gebhard(at), Prof. Dr. Cornelius König (Psychology, ckoenig(at)
M.Sc. Psych. Tanja Schneeberger (Computational Psychology, tanja.schneeberger(at), Dr. Markus Langer (Psychology)
The mentors are experienced students that attended one of the previous seminars and can give you advice in several topics.
Anke Hirsch (anke.hirsch(at) and Bernhard Hilpert (bernhard.hilpert(at)